gw tekankan bahwa, sebenarnya Owl City bukan band. jadi Owl City adalah project Adam Young yang fokus bergerak dalam ke Electronic Music
and well, tanpa banyak basa basi lagi selamat membaca semoga kalian suka
15. Owl City - Hot Air Baloon
ini lagunya buat santai dan cocok untuk di nyanyikan ke pacar
"I'll be out of my mind
and you'll be out of ideas pretty soon.
So let's spend the afternoon
in a cold hot air balloon.
Leave your jacket behind.
Lean out and touch the tree tops over town.
I can't wait to kiss the ground wherever we touch back down."
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14. Owl City - Captain And Cruise Ships
yang satu Ini buat nyanyi ramai-ramai enak
"Count the stars, watch the waves absorb the summer sun
And think of me when you explore hidden coves
And tiny island chains throughout the sea
Can you still, hear my voice"
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13. Owl City - Tidal Wave
gak mau banyak omong soal lagu ini, alunan gitar nya enak banget
"Help is on the way
I forget the last time I felt brave,
I just recall insecurity
Cause it came down like a tidal wave,
And sorrow swept over me"
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12. Owl City - When Can I See You Again?
lagu ini pernah menjadi soundtracknya kartun animasi Wreck-It-Ralph
"It's been fun but now I've got to go
Life is way too short to take it slow
But before I go and hit the road
I gotta know, 'til then,
when can we do this again? Oh oh oh oh
When can I see you again? Oh oh oh oh
When can we do this again? Oh oh oh oh
I gotta know, when can I see you again? "
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11. Owl City - Rainbow Veins
lagu ini enak didengerin kalo kalian pengen menghibur diri, dan nyanyiinnya paling enaknya jika pake gitar. supaya mirip lagu aslinya
"We were the crashing whitecaps on the ocean
And what lovely sea-side holiday, away
A palm tree in Christmas lights my emotion
Struck a sparkling tone like a xylophone
As we spent the day alone"
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10. Owl City - On The Wing
lagu ini slow cocok untuk yang mau sedih-sedihan ditambah piano dan efek efek suara dari Adam Young
"I am floating away
Lost in a silent ballet
I'm dreaming you're out in the blue and I am right beside you
Awake to take in the view
Late nights and early parades
Still photos and noisy arcades
My darling, we're both on the wing, look down and keep on singing!
And we can go anywhere"
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9. Owl City - The Bird and The Worm
lagu ini simple, tapi lagu ini juga lucu. jika gak percaya download aja
"Let's take a shortcut we remember
And we'll enjoy
Picking apples in late September like
We've done for years
Then we'll take a long walk
Through the cornfield"
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8. Owl City - Saltwater Room
lagu ini super romantis bisa buat serasa tiba-tiba rasanya jadi rindu, padahal gak tau rindu sama siapa
" Can you believe that the crew has gone and wouldn't let me sign on?
All my islands have sunk in the deep, so I can hardly relax or even oversleep
I feel as if I were home, some nights, when we count all the ship lights
I guess I'll never know why sparrows love the snow
We'll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow"
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7. Owl City - Good Time
jika di dengar lagu ini perpaduan Adam Young dengan Carly Rae Jepsen cocok buat ngubah mood dari yang cemberut jadi senyum
"Good morning and good night
I'll wake up at twilight
It's gonna be alright
We don't even have to try
It's always a good time (Whooo)"
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6. Owl City - Shine Your Way
kali ini Adam Young duet sama Yuna, dengar lagu ini dari musiknya udah bagus dan ditambah suara jazznya Yuna yang ngebuat makin enak
"Open road but it's still dark,
Build a fire from a spark,
And shine, shine your way,
Feed the feeling in your heart,
Don't conceal it then you'll start,
To find, find your way"
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5. Owl City - Dreams and Disasters
waktu pertama kali gw dengar lagu ini rasanya langsung suka
"Follow the light through the dreams and disasters
Follow the light to the edge and the after
We won't turn around, we will not slow down
Follow the light through the dreams and disasters"
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4. Owl City - Honey And The Bee
lagu in romanti apa lagi lagu ini di nyanyikan feat dengan Breanne Duren
"We are honey and the bee
Backyard of butterflies surrounded me
I fell in love with you
Like bees to honey
So let's up
And leave the weeping to the willow tree
And pour our tears in the sea"
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3. Owl City - To The Sky
lagu yang ini jadi soundtracknya The Legend of Guardians : Owls of Gahoole
"Birds-eye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue
Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery
'Cause after all those wings will take you, up so high
So bid the forest floor goodbye as you race the wind
And take to the sky (you take to the sky)"
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2. Owl City - Vanilla Twilight
Ini lagu slow yang enak di dengar apa lagi pada malam hari dan pada tahun 2012 lagu di banyak banget di download gara-gara jadi backsoundnya
"I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone
But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist deep in thought because when
I think of you I don't feel so alone"
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1. Owl City - Fireflies
Ini lagu Owl City pertama yang gw pernah dengar berawal dari seorang teman, tapi bukan itu yang membuat lagu ini menduduki peringkat 1, tapi karna lagu ini juga pernah menduduki 1 chart top 100 billboard
"You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep
'Cause they'd fill the open air
And leave tear drops everywhere
You'd think me rude
But I would just stand and stare"
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thanks ya
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ReplyDeleteAsli semuanya enak didenger, serasa hening, serasa semangat, serasa galau, serasa alam dll. Mantep
ReplyDeleteAsli semuanya enak didenger, serasa hening, serasa semangat, serasa galau, serasa alam dll. Mantep